SGR 097: 3 Marriage Tips from a Couples Therapist and her Husband with Stranz and Mallory Wolfgramm

What’s more fun than getting a behind-the-scenes look at a couples therapist’s marriage?

We’ve had the unique experience of dating our husbands throughout graduate school, while we were learning the do’s and don’ts of healthy relationships. We pulled them along for the ride, shared what we were learning, and practiced exercises with them. I’d say it served us tremendously. Today’s guests have had a similar experience!

In this week’s episode, we spoke with Stranz and Mallory Wolfgramm, couples therapist, about their top three tips for making marriage work. We discussed why going to bed angry isn’t the marital death-sentence it’s made out to be, why time-outs during arguments are a necessity, and how to share concerns with your partner in an effective way.

They’ve offered a free download, 10 Steps to Stop an Argument Dead in Its Tracks, which you can download here: Get the Freebie


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Stranz and Mallory Wolfgramm have been married for almost 6 years. Mallory is a couples therapist and they share content on Instagram @makemarriagework to help couples argue better and connect more. They recently started a podcast - Make Marriage Work - where they interview couples about how they make marriage work with takeaways their listeners can apply to their own marriage each time.

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