SGR 084: Coping with Opposite Sex Drives During Coronavirus

Since we’ve been “staying at home,” we’ve heard from tons of couples that they’re struggling with opposite sex drives.

These are couples who don’t usually experience this - their desire levels are typically aligned.

But, people react differently to stress.

They react differently to ongoing stress.

For some, the stress response hits the breaks on desire more than their desire is accelerated, leading to a reduced sex drive. For others, their desire is accelerated more than the stress response hits the breaks. If these two people are in a relationship together, they may be experiencing opposite sex drives right now. 

In this week’s episode, our resident Certified Sex Therapist, Marina Voron, is helping us identify whether this is what you may be going through, understand how and why this is happening, and giving strategies for how to navigate this successfully in your relationship.



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